VAT-Check is one of our micro-tools, which help users to validate EU VAT identification numbers of companies across the European Union, who are intra-community trade operators, in bulk!

The Bulk VAT Check system cleans your raw data, re-formats to the up-to-date naming or numbering conventions for certain member states.

The system is capable of handling about 25K to 30K records in a single session. There are supporting functionalities that make such long validation processes possible.

At the end of the process, you can download your Validation Request Output file directly from the page along with the VIES official Consultation Number. You also view a report at the end of the process, a brief analysis of the records that you requested for validation. You have the option of downloading it or have it sent via your login email address automatically by the system.

This tools is destined for those large enterprises that have the need to cleanse their Supplier & Customer Master Data with their latest VAT ID’s. Such data are business-critical and used for preparation of corporate VAT returns, Intrastat reporting.

In case you would like to validate a single EU VAT ID, we recommend you to visit the following link and sumit your query and obtain your result instantly:

For GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) VAT Validation:

Saudi Arabia:

United Arab Emirates:



This application is primarily designed and constructed for VAT Managers and Master Data Process owners who are responsible for maintaining that VAT ID’s for Suppliers and Customers for filing VAT returns correctly, for correct and VAT compliant invoicing and invoice booking. This application is also a very important tool for ERP implementation managers, responsible for configuring the system for VAT register and VAT accounting. Some of the common usage examples are illustrated below:

  1. Supplier / customer master data creation - monthly review of new items. In case the process is decentralized or not followed properly for some reasons (missing ERP controls, human mistakes, deliberate errors etc.) the master data teams may need to review individual entries via monthly report to identify items for correction / cancellation - example attached. Such user would normally need few hundred items per run or even maybe per month.
  2. Periodic transaction review - monthly / bimonthly / quarterly. The supplier can only issue the invoice to valid VAT ID in case the invoice is VAT exempted. Exempted supplies can be for example intra EU supplies of goods or services or local supplies of specific commodities (steel, mobile phones...) Invalid customer VAT ID may result in invalid exception and additional VAT payment on such invoice can be requested by the tax authorities. For this reason the supplier should periodically review VAT IDs on VAT exempted invoices issued to its customers - ideally every time before the invoice is issued. However, this is rarely happening in practice. It can be also necessary to do the same on purchase side (in case such transaction is reported on specific detailed listing). VAT compliance or data quality teams should typically manage this process. Normally the validation batch would be several times higher than "new items" and depending on the company size, the industry and invoicing structure (single billing entity, decentralized billing, number of branches and divisions) the number may count from few hundreds in small companies up to hundreds of thousands of unique VAT IDs in large corporate entities per months.
  3. VAT projects, mergers, acquisitions, ERP implementations. These are very specific situations where VAT ID validations are required for different reasons such as new legislation in specific country (can be introduction of real time reporting such as Hungary or detailed VAT control statement as in case of Slovakia) where the VAT ID is suddenly required to be electronically reported in proper format opposite to the past when this parameter was not reported at all. Another situation is merger or acquisition where inconsistent processes from two or more entities need to be suddenly managed in a similar way. Very specific situation is new ERP implementation where legacy data might be available in different format, out-dated or not managed in a desired quality. It is very difficult to estimate number of necessary items for a review as it strongly depends on the company size and business type. All situations in this point may require smaller or bigger amount of data for review. Therefore, there can be less or more items than in point 2.

  1. Register yourself with the application with your email ID and chosen password.
  2. The system will send you an email based on your registration input, requesting you to validate the email address.
  3. Once your email address is validated, you’ll receive an email from the Application Admin, approving your access to the application and from this point onwards you are ready to use the application.
  4. Login with your username and password into the system.
  5. Select your Member State from the drop-down list and then input your VAT identification number only (without the Member State Prefix).
  6. Prepare an Excel spread sheet (.xlsx format) with the VAT ID’s in left most column, prefixed with the EU Member State Country codes like AT, BE, BG, DE, DK..etc. as your raw data.
  7. Upload your spread sheet in the system.
  8. Next, you have option to Launch the Process immediately, in case your spread sheet has a few hundred records.
  9. While your request process is running, you can see the progress bar showing you the exact status of your process in terms of records total validated, number of VAT ID’s trimmed and re-formatted, number of duplicate records removed, in addition to number of valid VAT ID’s, number of Invalid or expired VAT ID’s and VAT ID’s that could not be processed.
  10. The VAT ID’s that could not be processed are due to two basic reasons. First, those VAT ID’s that do not belong to EU Companies, hence, cannot be processed. Sometimes, due to some technical reasons certain Member State servers experience unplanned downtimes. The system marks such records with the status “X”.
  11. In case your spread sheet has tens of thousands of records eg. 25K-30K we recommend to “Schedule” your process for overnight, in order to avoid issues due to heavy server traffic scenarios.
  12. In case you schedule an over-nightly validation request process, you’ll be asked to leave you email ID, where the validated output file can be mailed, so that you need not log into the system again to retrieve your Output file.

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